Sunday, May 22, 2011


(via {frolic!})

"What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it; boldness has genius, power and magic in it"
- Johann von Goethe

Collin Firth

     It's been a long while since I've posted about nerdy guys- you know, those full-of-quirk and has-it-goin-wrong-in-all-the-right-ways kind of guys that we all secretly love? (Well, let's be honest, I'm not so secretive about it... but that's a different story.) Earlier this morning I was looking through the highly entertaining nerd boyfriend blog, and came across a post of Collin Firth- and let me tell you how ecstatic I was. I seem to have an uncanny admiration for him- it's odd, I know, but ask anyone... I swear. It might have something to do with his dreamy accent, hysterically dry sense of humor, classically plain wardrobe, or just general dapperness (I mean, have you seen The King's Speech or A Single Man?!?). Anyways, thumbs up to you, . And if I may, I'd like to suggest a gent for your next post- I'd die to see Matthew Macfadyen! ...circa Pride and Prejudice???

Holy roly, me, oh my, you’re the apple of my eye

    About a week ago I posted the music video of "A Million years" by Alexander of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. We all know that I love Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros and anything that stems from them, but I ADORE this father daughter duo cover of "Home". That tiny little girl conveys more emotions that most people under 65 are capable of. I've always said that kids are grossly underestimated, and this video beautifully confirms it. SING IT GIRL!!!!! 

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Crossing

Not only is this the coolest in-action photo snapped of the Beatles seconds before the iconic Abbey Road album cover was taken, but did you know that there is a live web feed of the very same Abbey Rd. crosswalk. If you're a Beatles fan and you haven't yet gotten the chance to make the walk yourself, the next best thing is to watch the hundreds of fans that flock there to take those few glorious steps themselves. It's hysterical and heartwarming to see people leap across with child-like joy. They do it in groups, in costumes, in absolute synchronization.... it makes me giddy with happiness! Try it, you'll love it... I swear- The Crossing - Abbey Road Studios.

Friday, May 13, 2011

A lovely cake stand

(via etsy)

I hate the rustic style something awful. I even hate the word rustic. I love organic shapes. I like natural mediums. And I can't get enough fresh colors. All of that seems a world away from rustic. To me, I guess, there tends to be something so unoriginally fake in rustic. On that note, I really do love this cake stand.... except, I'd very much rather see it made with the beautifully red and irregularly shaped (and enchantingly so) manzanita wood, or the smooth and creamy (and sometimes peely) birch wood!!! That would be so lovely, and so not rustic. It would be a really simple DIY, too!

Oh, the madness...

...that sweet, sweet madness. This looks like the freest most creatively infused place in all the world- the perfect nest for a gypsy soul. You have to know that something great (or someone great) calls this home....


"A Million years" by Alexander (of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros).

This song makes me feel like summer is here. I like that. And the video shows exactly the sort of world I imagined all those times I read The Little Prince as a little girl. ...and the nostalgia sets in.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sticks and mirrors

     Oh, be still my little heart.

     I couldn't tell you enough how I am obsessed with artist Lee Borthwick....  Everything Borthwick creates is sooo simple and uniform, but still so mesmerizing.

Happy Sun(ny)day

     Best advice I've gotten all day long! It's sunny and breezy, and there are a million beautiful things to be thankful for!


    Sometimes I feel like that too.... but I wouldn't mind being stupid.
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