Monday, November 29, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The revenge of the nerds

How can you NOT want one?!?! Com'on, addmit it, their quirkiness is cute. They are sesitive, smart, wear glasses, and usually have a (or many) awesome collections. Aaaaand, they clearly make the best dressed beau's. If you're not convinced then take a look at nerd boyfriend, a lovely blog that features iconic nerds and how they dressed!

And if you prefer the more tech savey geek, check out A Girls Guide to Geek Guys for their proper care amd feeding.

P.S. I was inclined to post a photo of my very own beau, but I new he would have freaked out by the idea that his identity was revealed... I know, what a dork, right?? He's the cutest!

Update: I now have permission to post pictures! So, here they are.... 

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Six advent calenders I wish I had this holiday..

Having to wait for a dainty treat makes it THAT much better when we finally get it! With three more days until the December 1st, here are a few of the most dreamy advents from around the web...

(via julieree)

Friday, November 26, 2010

How amazingly rad is this fourteen year old kid?!?!

Litterally gave me goosebumps. Seriously.

Read the article about this rad kid (oh, and also a Ellen DeGeneres appearance here).

It's officially the Christmas Season!!!

(photo via Retro Ways)

And the Christmas festivities start with Black Friday!!!  Good luck to all those shoppers still out and about!! And before we all get sucked into a hloliday delirium, let us remember that we all have something to give and giving to those who genuinely need it, without any expectations or honor, has a particularly momentous quality about it.
A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves.

- Lawrence G. Lovasik

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!

An old picture of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!!

Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts. 
-Alan Cohen

Tuesday, November 23, 2010



This perky piece used to be an old junky desk!! I love it! I've always wanted to do a furniture transformation like this!! See what it looked like before at knack!

Have you ever done a furniture makeover? Any tips are appreciated : )

Monday, November 22, 2010

Dreamy winter gardens

Water Garden Side View
The one thing I really dread about Winter is the lack of perky little plants and flowers. Fortunately, the one thing that doesn't disappear is moss!! I love this perfectly tiny indoor water garden, and it's terrific for the winter blues! The glass mug makes it so chic- as in "I don't really try all that hard, but I'm lovely anyways".

Speaking of moss, I seem to have an odd infatuation with moss of all kinds, especially these Marimo balls! Marimo are a rare form of algea that grows underwater in the form of a perfectly fuzzy spherical ball! They are considered to be lucky and treasured in Japan, and they even have the tendencey to bounce!!!

Arte Sella

 This is one dreary winter garden that I wouldn't mind having in my backyard! Arte Sella is an environmental art exibit that takes place in the fields and woods of the Sella Valley in Italy. How enchanting! Rather than making me feel like a beaver, I imagine walking through this forest would make me feel like a kid who just crawled into the ultimate snow igloo!

(via In Words and Pictures & Black Eiffel)

Sunday, November 21, 2010


    Wabi-Sabi is a Japanese concept that means “a way of living that focuses on finding beauty within the imperfections of life and accepting peacefully the natural cycle of growth and decay.”
    I LOVE this Buddhist (from the 3 Marks of Existence) idea of ephemeral and organic beauty. It makes me feel like saying, "This world often sucks, but so what?! I'm going to appreciate this world and everything in it for its imperfect and terrible beauty!!"
Thus, the start of my very first blog.

P.S. Wabi-Sabi is untranslatable from Japanese to English! Here are some other beautiful words that are untranslatable too!! My favorites are Toska, Tartle, Ilunga, Huggelig, Ya'aburnee, and Duende (I'm going to start using them in my every day conversations!)
20 Awesomely Untranslatable Words!!!!!! What are your favorites? Do you know of any untranslatable words?
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